links for 2008-05-12
posted: 12 May, 2008
"The brain literally is squeezed into the spinal column. What happens is you get compression, squeezing, strangulating of the brain stem, which has all the vital functions that control sleep, speech, our cranial nerves, our circulatory system..."
Today I Wrote Nothing: The Selected Writings of Daniil Kharms edited and translated by Matvei Yankelevich
Daniil Kharms, the Leningrad microliterary absurdist and corpse-faced poseur
Putin's Russia, nuclear threats
"The West is projecting not only its own spiritual fantasies upon Tibet, but its own economic fears upon China, imagining a power struggle quite different from that which has actually happened in Tibet."
Conservative bioethics' latest, most dangerous ploy.
Elusive Truths explores the aesthetics of visual analysis and information graphics. Through the investigation of governmental and corporate financial strategies, mass media and the art world
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links for 2008-05-08
08 May 2008
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links for 2008-05-13
13 May 2008