Miscellaneous expertise @ MoKS AVAMAA 2010
posted: 25 July, 2010

Next month I will be coordinating a workshop entitled Miscellaneous expertise: performance, unlearning stories and public speech at the MoKS Kunsti ja Sotsiaalpraktika Keskus AVAMAA sympsium in Mooste, Estonia. This is a collaboration with my good friend Giles Bailey, and the workshop will take place over five days with the dissemination on the sixth.
We proposed Miscellaneous expertise as an experiment using the workshop format; we hope to explore some of the structural components of performance through a patchwork aesthetic, with a concentration on found materials, chance, and non-linear constructions. One potential subtitle was Performance for non-performers AND non-performance for performers, though that's a bit too constrictive and I think "unlearning" is a better term to use.
The outcome of the workshop will be a panel discussion that dissects the nature of performance, which of course will itself be a performance, which of course will not be. If you remember my post about last years Mutopia workshop @ AVAMAA, then youll know I valued the MoKS approach to creative practice, a flame that will hopefully burn through this.
Details about the workshop (how to attend, as well as info on the other workshops and projects occurring during the AVAMAA week [Natalia Borissovas workshop looks amazing, and I wish there was some way to clone myself and do both]) are available on the MoKS website. If youre thinking of participating in Miscellaneous expertise, feel free to drop me a line or comment here. See you in Estonia!
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26 November 2010