Serious Introspection episode 4
Here's the hastily edited video from this week's episode of Serious Introspection with John W. Fail, which was a good one - featuring Hanne Ivars, Synes Elischka and Harriina Räinä as well as hype man Justin Tyler Tate. We talked about Bruce Conner films, interactivity in art, and how to make fake blood. And we played a game based on my life. There was a camera failure so we didn't have as much footage to work with this time, and I also tried to superimpose Ernest Truely's live tweets on the video, which is maybe funny or maybe annoying.
Next Tuesday we have Ernest as guest, as well as Matthew Goulish, from Every House Has a Door! It will fulfill our dream of an all-male, all-North American stage show (just kidding) and as always, it's free and starts at 18:00. The evening is combined with Justin and Ernest's Psycho-Geographic Bingo game, which starts after our show.