Summer 2010: Kalasataman Konttiaukio + Helsinki Public School
posted: 31 May, 2010
As mentioned in the previous post, Part Oy has offered Helsinki Public School a shipping container to use for classes + events to be housed at the new Kalasatama development.

(full-size image)
There will be 9 containers arranged about halfway up the western side of the harbour (where #4 is marked on the map). Besides us, there will be Dodo, two theatre groups, Kuvataideakatamia, Suomen Merimieskirkko and possibly some others. The opening event will be on 12.6, Helsingin Päivä.

Container #4 on this map will be the Public School's. We haven't actually gotten the container yet, so I don't know exactly what the facilities will be like, but we will have an electricity hookup. There's been talk of installing solar panels and the self-generating electrical system used in the Self-Sustainable Party Container from the Pixelache/Ptarmigan Art and Sustainability workshop -- and we've already proposed a Public School class to expand those facilities.
The triangular space outside of where the containers are arranged, dubbed Konttiaukio, will likely be a place for meetings, performances, and social activities throughout the summer. We'll have some things going on there (or in the containers themselves) on the 12th -- Dodo and Public School Helsinki are planning to finally get the long-planned Bicycle Maintenance class happening that day, possibly in two sessions (basic maintenance and advanced tuneups). The Dinosaur Drawing group will also be holding at least one session, also as a Public School class, though instead of the freeform approach before, there will be some more focused exercises. I believe some theatre pieces will be taking place around Konttiaukio as well. And beyond our little slice of Kalasatama, there will be other Helsingin Päivä festivities - bicycle joust competitions, a human chessboard, etc.
The next day, 13.6, the Friend_Ship project (a traveling performance boat featuring my partner, Tara Pattenden) will dock at Kalasatama and perform in the Konttiaukio space at 19:00.

In addition to Konttiaukio, there will be a lot of other things happening around the harbour over the next 25 years! A public beach is being constructed, Dodo is organising some community gardens on the southern tip, there is talk of an ethnic restaurant cooperative opening up, and rumours of a floating sauna. (Larger size scan of plan)
As Ptarmigan's schedule has slowed down a bit for the summer, I'm planning to focus my attention on this space, so look here for announcements of classes, programmes, and other events occuring at Kalasataman Konttiaukio.

(full-size image)
There will be 9 containers arranged about halfway up the western side of the harbour (where #4 is marked on the map). Besides us, there will be Dodo, two theatre groups, Kuvataideakatamia, Suomen Merimieskirkko and possibly some others. The opening event will be on 12.6, Helsingin Päivä.

Container #4 on this map will be the Public School's. We haven't actually gotten the container yet, so I don't know exactly what the facilities will be like, but we will have an electricity hookup. There's been talk of installing solar panels and the self-generating electrical system used in the Self-Sustainable Party Container from the Pixelache/Ptarmigan Art and Sustainability workshop -- and we've already proposed a Public School class to expand those facilities.
The triangular space outside of where the containers are arranged, dubbed Konttiaukio, will likely be a place for meetings, performances, and social activities throughout the summer. We'll have some things going on there (or in the containers themselves) on the 12th -- Dodo and Public School Helsinki are planning to finally get the long-planned Bicycle Maintenance class happening that day, possibly in two sessions (basic maintenance and advanced tuneups). The Dinosaur Drawing group will also be holding at least one session, also as a Public School class, though instead of the freeform approach before, there will be some more focused exercises. I believe some theatre pieces will be taking place around Konttiaukio as well. And beyond our little slice of Kalasatama, there will be other Helsingin Päivä festivities - bicycle joust competitions, a human chessboard, etc.
The next day, 13.6, the Friend_Ship project (a traveling performance boat featuring my partner, Tara Pattenden) will dock at Kalasatama and perform in the Konttiaukio space at 19:00.

In addition to Konttiaukio, there will be a lot of other things happening around the harbour over the next 25 years! A public beach is being constructed, Dodo is organising some community gardens on the southern tip, there is talk of an ethnic restaurant cooperative opening up, and rumours of a floating sauna. (Larger size scan of plan)
As Ptarmigan's schedule has slowed down a bit for the summer, I'm planning to focus my attention on this space, so look here for announcements of classes, programmes, and other events occuring at Kalasataman Konttiaukio.
Previous post:
The Public School Helsinki: last weekend, and the future
28 April 2010