Upcoming performances this month in Helsinki

posted: 05 November, 2009
I will be performing twice this month in Helsinki.

First, Friday 6 November at Kokoteatteri (Krunnunhaka), as part of Helsinki Meeting Point.  I will be playing esraj along with James Andean (piano and electronics) and three dancers (Riikka Theresa Innanen, Jaakko Simola, and Virva Talonen).  More information here.

On Saturday 21 November I will be performing as "The 15,000 Day Boat Trip Band" at the It's All In Your Mind 2009 festival, at my space Ptarmigan.  There will very possibly be copies of the record The 15,000 Day Boat Trip in my possession by then, which would make this a 'record release show'; not sure yet what the performance or "band" will entail but it will assume some similarity to the album.
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