Oakwhistle live show in Tallinn: 17. september 2011

Lied Music / Ben Reynolds tour promotional poster

Luke made these posters which we mailed to all of the people promoting the different shows across the UK. I liked how he did this - it certainly fit in with the aesthetic of the old tape reels and low-budget yet distinctly 1960s/70s feel that we were going for. You can see this particularly in his artwork for the LP we never put out. Scanned 25 July 2010.
Intro to Pterodactyl setlist

Intro to Pterodactyl (which was myself + Caleb Waldorf ALWAYS, and then usually with Rob Dingman and sometimes Pat Crawford) only actually performed once, on December 27, 2003, at the Horrible Room in Lexington, KY. Here was our "setlist", which was really a more formal set of instructions + lyrics as we attempted to reconstruct some of the music we recorded on our... site and artwork

I created the album cover and artwork for the Qctqpus album, The Solar Agent, and also coded a small website for it at The Solar Agent is a really brilliant concept album that merges linguistic experimentation, homemade pop weirdness, and an interest in minimalist/serialist composition. Andy has decided to make the entire album available for listening on the website,...
'The 15,000 Day Boat Trip' LP
Salad days
On the Terminal Boredom messageboard, someone started a brilliant thread, asking about 'The first time you ever heard Minor Threat'. The brilliant thing about it is everyone's heard Minor Threat - at least everyone who would be reading Terminal Boredom - and apart from a few naysayers, everyone remembers this moment and the impact it had on them. Except me.