links for 2008-05-12
20 January 2012
- "The brain literally is squeezed into the spinal column. What happens is you get compression, squeezing, strangulating of the brain stem, which has all the vital functions that control sleep, speech, our cranial nerves, our circulatory system..."
- Today I Wrote Nothing: The Selected...
links for 2008-05-08
20 January 2012
- Melon Expander records has releases by LAFMS alumni Solid Eye, and some other weird shit.
links for 2008-05-02
20 January 2012
- "Studio 5050 has released the first open-source modular wearable technology collection, a series of hardware components that can be used to create computational clothes...."
links for 2008-05-01
20 January 2012
- "Why has the media establishment become so unpopular? Perhaps the public has good reason to think that the media's self-aggrandizement gets in the way of solving the country's real problems."